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Marshal provides navigation for the forms, datamodules and components of your application. Marshal understands the internals of a Delphi application starting with the TApplication object, identifying forms and datamodules and the components on each form. Marshal is a dedicated form so that you can use a side by side view. Marshal provides a workspace for Inspectors assigned by executing transforms against objects active in your application. Inspectors are views / visualizations / tools that understand objects by class type.

Marshal provides shortcuts to help navigate / inspect your application. Right clicking on a form will give you the option GoTo active. This will take you to the active control of the form. A drop down filter is available if you know the controls name.
Marshal Navigation

Release Notes

Inspectors - visualizers / support tools

Object Plus Component properties at runtime
Application Inspector Essential results based on RTL
Dataset Grid Grid view of an TDataset
Query SQL Adhoc query for TFDConnection


rttk/marshal/start.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/23 22:13 by wikiadmin

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